
Making the most of your bids

X11's transfer market is slightly odd, in that that the person that offers the highest bid limit isn't always the winner. This is because the way bids are calculated is through bid steps, where two competing bids take turns to "step" up the current offer until one of the bid limits is reached.

The unusual result of this process is that, when you place a bid, there are actually ranges of values that are equivalent. For example, when you place an offer, if a current bidder has a limit of [asking price + 1 step], you will lose if you haven't offered at least [asking price + 2 steps]. If you offer [asking price + 2 steps - 1 econ], that offer is as much use as offering the asking price alone. This means that you can actually optimise your offer based on what you're prepared to pay, and also know what you would need to pay to fend off bids of a certain limit. The following calculator is rather crude, but will give you the lowest amount equivalent to your suggested bid limit, as well as the next offer up.

Bid optimiser

What is the player's current asking price?

What is your approximate bid limit?

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